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Thank you, teachers


November 26, 2019 Jason Schilling, ATA President


Things have been, well, let’s say a bit crazy lately. We are seeing policies by the government that are aiming to erode public education in Alberta, something I know you value as much as I do.

Lately the Alberta Teachers’ Association and I have been asking a lot of teachers, in terms of using your voices to advocate for public education. I believe in public education, and I also believe that teachers bring hope — let’s never lose sight of that. I have said repeatedly that this advocacy work cannot be done alone, that we must band together.

However, I know you are busy: report cards, parent–teacher interviews, marking, planning, coaching, book clubs, PowerSchool, and, oh yeah, your lives beyond school. So, for all you have done, for all you are doing, thank you. Advocacy is not easy work, and I greatly appreciate your efforts.

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